Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Who Cares About Africa?

In your textbook read pages 460-469, being sure to take good notes.  When finished, answer this question in the blog being sure to use information from your reading: 

Why should you bother to care what is happening in Africa? 


  1. We should bother to care about what is happening in Africa because right now Kony 2012 is going on. There is this guy named Joseph Kony and he is really really bad, he is taking kids from there parents and forcing them to kill there parents. This man has taken about 30,000 kids in Africa. That is crazy and should not be happening. He needs to be stopped, now.

    1. Molly, I totally agree with you. I love how you introduced Joseph Kony, by saying: "There is this guy named Joseph Kony and he is really really bad."

    2. i agree. We need to take down Kony.

  2. Why we should care about Africa is because Africa has a lot of struggles as in Kony 2012, and poverty, and starving children everywhere. Almost all of the men and women in Africa only get paid 12 dollars and month but only sometimes, sometimes they dont even get that much. There are so many health problems and deseases that are making a lot of people die because they do not have the right stuff to be able to get a cure for it. That is why we should care about Africa!

  3. WE need to help Africa because it has lots of reasources we could use and almost evrey one there is living in poverty.most africans dont get paid at all or only get 12 a month.This means they dont have enough money to buy basic Necessities of life.pepole are starving homeless dieing.Their economy is not that good or strong.We need help and make this country strong.

    1. Evan - make sure you proof read these before you post them. ( Second sentence capitalize and space after period.)

  4. Question-Why should you bother to care what is happening in Africa?

    Answer- We should care about what is happening in Africa because there are deadly diseases that are killing millions of people every year. Some of Africa's deadly diseases are Malaria, AIDS, and HIV. One way we can help Africa is by donating bug nets. We can donate money to the Nothing But Nets Organization that helps people in the fight against Malaria and other deadly diseases.

    Here is a link to the Nothing But Nets Organization- http://www.nothingbutnets.net/

    1. I agree with your comment because it tells us why we should care about it and has good reasons and what we should donate our money to.

    2. I agree with you Zach they do have many deadly diseases, but their are ways to help, and we should.

  5. We should care about what is happening in Africa because Africa is having a lot of problems with health care. That is just one of the many problems. There are so many diseases in Africa that are killing many people and we should help them receive better health care. We can do this by sending some of our doctors over their and help them get better and hopefully this could stop the spread of the disease for a little while. We can also send malaria nets and other products we have over to them so they can have better protection from diseases. Helping Africa would make the world a better place. Every country should be able to have the freedom and care that the United States has.

    1. I really like Emily's reasons of why we should care about what is happening in Africa. Great Job.

    2. I like your comment because it gives good reasons as to why we should care about Africa and the types of items we could send to them to make them feel safer.

    3. I like how you said how we could help them, but you maybe could have introduced some other problems. I agree with you, and those are great ways to help them.

  6. We should care about what going on in Africa because the people there are not educated on what birth control is and all that stuff. Their population gets bigger and bigger and there are a lot of really bad diseases like Malaria, HIV, and AIDS. Its really bad. There is also the Joseph Kony problem going on. Joseph Kony lives in Uganda, Africa and he has been kidnaping kids in the middle of the night and has been using the boys as soldiers and the girls as sex slaves. AND THAT NEEDS TO STOP NOW!

    1. Regina I really liked your post. It seems that you thought a lot about what you posted and there is meaning behind it. I totally agree with your post!

  7. We should care about what's going on in Africa because they are struggling with healthcare. We are all humans and Americans need to help out like family since we are in the same world. Imagine if Africa was rich, and America was in poverty. Wouldn't you want them to help our country out? Just put yourself in their shoes. They are striving to overcome AIDS, and Malaria. We have the power to help them, so why wouldn't we? Every person every right to a good life.

    1. Hana, I like you reasons why we should help Africa. I like the idea of how you said to put ourselves in their shoes. It really made me think about why we should help them. Good Job.

  8. We should care about whats going on in Africa because of their poor healthcare. AIDS is a disease caused by HIV and is usually fatal. 70% of adults with AIDS out of the whole world live in Africa, and 80% of kids with AIDS live in Africa. Malaria is a disease that is marked by chills and fevers and is also fatal. There are many mosquitoes that carry this disease and it is very common in Africa. We should care about what is going on in Africa because they deserve a good as a chance as we have to live life for as long as we can.

  9. We should care about what is going on in Africa because of their poor health care and poor economy. In Africa there are up to 24 major diseases. One major one is malaria, this comes from getting bit from mosquitoes. They can't protect themselves from it because they do not have the money to buy mosquitoes nets to protect themselves. But their are companies trying to help them and if more people care the more that could be done. And its not just diseases that is a problem anther major problem is water. 2.2 million people die a year because of polluted water. Clearly we should care about Africa so not as many people die and the world can become and better place.

    1. Like the way you explain why they cant protect themselves because they do not have the money

  10. We should care about what is going on in Africa because Africa has little to no money, they have TERRIBLE health care, and thousands of people are doing every year because they don't have enough money for health care, or they can't treat diseases such as Malaria, AIDS, and HIV. Africa also does not have clean water, and this causes about 2 million people to die every year that shouldn't die in the first place. So, the USA should pitch in and help Africa get back on their feet, and help them by making better paying jobs, and giving them necessities like health care and mosquito nets to keep them safe at night. Of course we should care about them, because if we don't, Africa will never be the same again.

    1. Christian, I really like your reasons of why we should care about what is happening in Africa. Great Job.

    2. Nice job Christian. Good examples and reasoning to defend your argument.

  11. We should care about what's happening in Africa because healthcare is one of the most things they are struggling with. Malaria is the top disease that people in Africa are dieing from. Other diseases like AIDS and HIV aren't that deadly. Right now there are many people in Africa that are starving and there are many people in Africa that are trying to fight diseases. One way we could help Africa is by donating money for medicines and also money for nets that help stop malaria.

    1. I might have to argue with you about your statement that AIDS and HIV "aren't that deadly." In 25 years more people have died of AIDS related illnesses than from the Black Plague in Europe during the 14th century. And still no cure.

  12. Answer- We should care about Africa because we have the power and strength to help it. There is a guy named Kony who is kidnapping kids in there sleep and not just a few kids he has kidnapped 30,000 kids so far, and what he does is he takes them and makes them shoot there own parents. Then he makes them make other people demented and he turns them into very bad kids, and the sad thing is this has been going on for years. We should think about if this happened in the U.S he would be taken down in an instant but because they are not strong enough to take him down we have to help Africa. There are other reasons we should help Africa but right now Kony is the one problem that stands out the most to me.

    Kony 2012

  13. We should bother to care about Africa's issues simply out of humanity. Millions of people are dying in Africa because they don't have adequate healthcare, and as humans we must try to help them and realize that everyone has the right to a prosperous life. So many people are suffering and it is the responsibility of those more fortunate to help out. There are so many problems in Africa and it is not their fault. We need to think about what it would be like to be suffering like that, and that should be all we need to want to help.
