Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How is the study of geography different from the study of geology? Or history?


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  4. Geography is more about the landscapes and features of the Earth. Geology focuses more on how the systems of Earth work what the result of those systems are. History studies the human affect on those areas and what have happened there in the past.

  5. Geography is a history course when Geology is a science course.

  6. History is the study of the past history of the world. Geography means to describe the earth, and it is the study of the distribution and interaction of physical and human features on earth.

  7. Geography and history are different because history is telling about the past of earth and what happened before us. Geography tells about the earth and what is on it (countries, states, ect...). Geology is the study of of earth and what lies beneath the crust.

  8. History is more about human culture when geography is more about the features on earth.

  9. Geography is the study of Earth's history and it's past. Geology is the study of Earth's physical science and what is inside the Earth itself. History is just the same as Geography.

  10. History tells us about the past, Geology is studied in science, and Geography is tells us about the earth now and before us.

  11. history is more about humans and artifacts, and geography is about the earth and maps...

  12. ..... History is different than geography because geography is more about studying the states, countries, cities, etc. History is more about the past and the landmarks and major events in Earth's history.

  13. History is about the past, Geology is about the earth and Geography is about locations and the world.
