Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Israel & Palestine: One State or Two States?

What does this cartoon mean?
Thoroughly read through the Israel/Palestine section of ProCon.org (http://israelipalestinian.procon.org/), especially the sections on "Core Questions" - One state or Two State solution.   Then...write a well crafted 5-7 sentence paragraph where you support either the one-state, or the two-state, solution to peace in the middle east.  Be sure to back up your opinion with SPECIFIC quotes and details from your reading of the website.  There's lots there, so it's easy to find things that maybe no else has. 


  1. I support the one-state solution because the Israelite people and the Palestinians need to create a solution and come together rather than break apart. “This state gives 80% of its citizens (the Jewish population) full democratic and civil rights. 20% of the citizens (Palestinian citizens of Israel) experience institutionalized discrimination in virtually all sectors of civil and political life.” This means that if both countries agreed to the one-state solution, they would have equal lives and be able to continue their certain religions in peace. This would create more peace because the two countries would be in the same areas, and they would not be fighting as much over religions and beliefs. The two-state solution suggests that the two countries stay split, but it means that they would still be fighting now and then about certain beliefs because there wouldn’t be any type of unity. The Israelis’ would still have complete control over the state

  2. Israel and Palestine should be separated into two states. This is my opinion because if you have two states then the Israeli's and Palestinian's would have their own space with boarders and then it would be more peaceful. Having everyone live in one-state would not be a good idea because people would be fighting over land and it would become very crowded. Vladimir Putin quoted, "Taking this as their basis, Russia and the USA intend to exert maximum efforts in order to realize this vision of a negotiated settlement of the conflict, which includes the existence of two states - Israel and Palestine - living in peace and security within recognized borders." This has been a very long issue and i feel it should be resolved with a two-state solution.

  3. I support the one state solution. These countries are already functioning as one state. Isreal and Palestine both share the same electricity grid and aquifers, highway network, and their international borders. The one state solution would also make Jews Christians and Muslims all have equal rights. The Jewish history would not be changed or their attachment to the Holy Land. Edward Said, PhD, stated "It [the binational state] is the only solution that seems to take into account the reality of the two peoples who basically claim the same land." I believe that a one nation state is a good solution for Israel and Palestine.

  4. Israel and Palestine should be separated into to different states because they should be able to live as two separate states and not have to share it with another state. Its a good idea for them to be separate states because then they can all live in peace. Having them share a state is not a good idea because someone would end up wanting more land them someone else and then they would ans no one would be able to live in peace. Ehud Barak quoted, ""It is true that there are demographic threats to its Israel's existence. That is why a separation from the Palestinians is a compelling imperative. Without such a separation there is no future for the Zionist dream." A lot of people think that it is better to hav them separated because they will not fight over land and there will not be disagreements about who rules what on what part of the land they are on. This is why I feel that they should be able to have two different states and not have to share because i feel that should live in peace with a two-state solution.

  5. Israel and Palestine should be two-states. The israelis and palestinians cannot live peacefully in one state. "There can’t be peace, even though I know how painful this is, without recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of two States and guaranteed freedom of access to the Holy Places for all the religions. There can’t be peace without a border negotiated on the basis of the 1967 agreement and exchanges of territory making it possible to build two viable States." Says Nicolas Sarkozy, President of the Republic of France. Not only does a two-state solution bring peace among the people, it also helps the regional security. The israeli-palistinian has been a major source of the tension between the middle east and the Muslim world, and has believed to be a source of terrorism. If we resolve this issue and use the two state solution, then Israel and Palestine can live in harmony and can restore security in the border, and battle terrorism.

  6. Ala Michael Tarazi (who happens to be my uncle) states, "Support for one state is hardly a radical idea; it is simply the recognition of the uncomfortable reality that Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories already function as a single state. They share the same aquifers, the same highway network, the same electricity grid and the same international borders... The one-state solution... neither destroys the Jewish character of the Holy Land nor negates the Jewish historical and religious attachment (although it would destroy the superior status of Jews in that state).

    I believe that the two territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip should be incorporated into the existing state of Israel. I believe all of the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip should then be made citizens of the new unified country and be treated the same as the existing Israeli citizens. A One State Solution is a concept where all people, no matter their color, race, or religion, can live harmoniously together.Barriers must be broken down for all citizens of the unified country to feel equal. The Palestinians should be able to go to work, shop, attend school, and visit relatives with having to worry about the checkpoints they must pass before entering Israel. Most importantly the Palestinians should have the same right to vote as the Israelis. I believe that the Palestinians and Israelis can live harmoniously together in one combined state.

  7. I support the two-state solution. The only way to resolve this conflict without any major risks in the way, is to keep them separated. That will keep everything peaceful and each state will have more space to themselves. If they came as one state, then there may be some arguments about new rules, and land sharing. Benjamin Netanyahu stated, "In my vision of peace, in this small land of ours, two peoples live freely, side-by-side, in amity and mutual respect. Each will have its own flag, its own national anthem, its own government. Neither will threaten the security or survival of the other. These two realities - our connection to the land of Israel, and the Palestinian population living within it - have created deep divisions in Israeli society." Also, the two states have been believed to be the source of terrorism. If the states stayed separated, then peace will occur, and terrorism will be reduced.

  8. I think that Israel and Palestine should two states. They cannot live together without fighting withe each other and I think that if they are not separated into two different states, its going to get a lot worse. "Each will have its own flag, its own national anthem, its own government. Neither will threaten the security or survival of the other." (Said Benjamin Netanyahu, MSc, Prime Minister of Israel.) I have to agree on that one! I think that if Israel and Palestine are two totally different states then, the two can live in peace and don't have to fight any longer.

  9. I believe in a two-state solution. It will be very difficult for the Palestinians and Israelis to coexist in one state without conflict. I believe that there should be two states who can respect each other, whether or not they like each other. Each state will feel a sense of purpose and ownership and feel as though they are recognized. In 2009, Benjamin Netenyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, said, "In my vision of peace, in this small land of ours, two peoples live freely, side-by-side, in amity and mutual respect. Each will have its own flag, its own national anthem, its own government. Neither will threaten the security or survival of the other." The two-state solution is the best situation for both the Palestinians and Israelis.

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  11. Israel and Palestine should divide into two-states. This will bring peace to the Israeli's and Palestinien's because they will not be fighting over land. This will also cause fewer wars. As president of the United States, Barack Obama said, "Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security. That is a goal shared by Palestinians, Israelis, and people of goodwill around the world." The prime Minister of Israel thinks that Palestine and Israel should share the land and each could have their own flag, national anthem, and its own government. He says the way this would work is that Palestine would demilitarize. Demilitarize means that all military forces would be completely removed. I think that the land should be divided into equal parts where everyone has equal access to all essentials. Such as, waterways, roadways and fertile land to grow crops.

  12. I support the two-state solution. I believe that making two states is the best idea because they wouldn't have to fight for land. If both Palestine and Israel were two separate countries they would be able to live in peace and not have to fight. Not only do I believe in this, "the United States strongly supports the goal of two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security." By having two separate states one, the State of Israel, which was established as a Jewish state, and the State of Palestine. There will be less fighting over land and there will be more peace between the countries if this decision is made.

  13. Israel and Palestine should be a two-state because there would be so many problems if they had to share. There already is so much fighting and if you combined the states together then you would be combining religions and people would fight over beliefs and there would be even more violence. Although they would have to figure out a way to separate the land up, in the long run it would be a lot better for them. All of these people are scared because of all the attacks happening and if there were separate states they would feel more comfortable and safe, so Israel and Palestine should be a two-state.

  14. I support the one state solution. There are many things that would confuse the process of splitting up the land into two territories. For example, who would get Jerusalem? That would be a major conflict. Also, how would they split up the land? Would one side get more than the other, or would they get the bad land? And once they had split it up, people would have to leave their homes and find a new place to live in their state. I support the one state solution because dividing up the land would create even more conflicts between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

  15. The feud between Palenstein and Israel I think is solvable. I think the best idea is making two states, but it is a high-risk high reward though. The risk is that they two could fight over who has more land or who gets more land. But it could result in two happy states and hopefully the feud will be over. Some people like Ziad J. Asali agree he said "Well, there has emerged, over the course of the past ten years at least, a sense that the only way out of the situation in the Middle East is to establish a State of Palestine alongside Israel so that there will be an end of conflict. There is no other solution to end the conflict in reality.” But some people don’t agree like Moshe Yaalon who says The State of Israel is ready to give the Palestinians an independent Palestinian state, but the Palestinians are not ready to give us an independent Jewish state . . . Every agreement you make will be the starting point of the next irredenta. The next conflict. The next war. Clearly this could be a good or bad idea I think that there is still hope for Pakistan and Israel.
