Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Rainforests - Who Cares?

In a 5-7 sentence, well constructed paragraph, answer the following question related to Latin American resources:  Every year people destroy 33.8 million acres of tropical rain forests, which is about 64 acres every minute.  Do you think U.S. citizens have a responsibility to do something to help protect the rain forest?  Why or why not?
(Be sure to go beyond your textbook by using the internet to further inform yourself of the issue.)


  1. No I do not think that it is the U.S. citizens job to help protect the rain forest. The U.S. citizens have enough things to worry about, wether it is the economy or just even their own families. The responsibility of ensuring that the tropical rain forests are safe should not just be put on the average citizens of the United States. Even though the citizens of the U.S. do not need the responsibility; however, the government should take charge of this task. The destruction of the tropical rain forests is a terrible thing that is happening, but the responsibility of saving the rain forests should not be put on the citizens of the United States.

  2. I do not think that the U.S. citizen have to be responsible about saving the tropical rain forest because it is in the whole other area. I do think though that we should help them protect it but we should not have to take the responsibility.Why I do think that we should help out because then the animals would die because they do not have enough area or acres and it would effect the ecosystem. So that is why we should not have full responsibility but should still help

  3. U.S people do not have the responsibility to protect the rain forest of South America. The U.S citizens do have the responsibility to protect their own biomes in their own state. It is important to save the rain forest though because it is home to animals and other living things. The American citizens could still help if they wish to but it should not be their responsibility to protect something out of their country. However, the people of South America could come together and protest against the destruction of South American rain forests. You would not want someone destroying your home, so why would you destroy others?

  4. I think that the U.S. citizens should not have the responsibility to protect the rain forests because we don't even have any rain forests in our country. I think that we can still help out this awful thing that is happening. The states that have these rain forests should stand up and take the responsibility to stop destroying 33.8 million acres of tropical rain forests. It is really curule to take away that much land, its home to even the smallest animals in the rain forests. This could effect the eco system if we don't stop this soon! Rain forests are beautiful if they are kept alone.

  5. No, I do not think that the U.S. citizens have the responsibility to help protect the rainforest because they have other things to worry about. The U.S. citizens have a responsibility to protect their family and their home. It is also important to have a tropical rainforest so the animals and the creatures that live there will not be harmed or even become extinct. Since we are so far away from the tropical rainforest most people don’t notice what is happening over there. Every minute you are watching T.V. or playing a game 64 acres are being cut down in the beautiful rainforest and by the end of the day up to 92,160 acres of the rainforest is being destroyed. The U.S. citizens have the choice to help the rainforest or stand there and watch the rainforest be destroyed.

  6. I think that the United States should take part in the on going effort to save the rainforests. The Nature Conservancy says that 50 percent of the worlds plants and animals can be found in the rainforests. If we don't take our part in helping the rainforest survive we will loose some of natures most interesting animals and plants. If we destroy the rainforests we will drastically change the earth temperature and weather patterns. Climate change can cause global warming.The mountains will begin to have mudslides and floods due to the melting of the snow. The forests will dry up and turn into a desert. Deserts will become much hotter than they usually are. These are all major effects of how global warming can effect the earth. All citizens have the responsibility to help prevent the rainforests from being destroyed.

  7. Yes the US should help with the rainforest. The U.S. National Cancer Institute has identified 3000 plants that are active against cancer cells. 70% of these plants are found in the rainforest.Even though the US has other things to worry about we need to make sure we still have the rainforest to find new species of plant that could help in medical use. It is important to help the people of Brazil save their rainforest for medical purposes. If the US helps Brazil it will help the whole world.

  8. I do not think that U.S citizens should have a responsibility for protecting the rain forest because this issue is in another country, and it is another thing to worry about in our lives. Sure, we can do stuff to help prevent deforestation, like recycling, but us Americans should not have full responsibility. Half of America is finally back on their feet because the recession is finally almost over. So, there should not be one more thing they have to worry about that’s happening in a different area. We should do things to help the countries rain forests like donating money because they cannot afford to save animals. However, it is really not our main priority to pay full attention to those things.

  9. Yes, I think that the U.S. citizens should step in. There are many endangered species in the rainforest. Also, there are many types of medicines that come from the rainforest. These medicines are found in plants and other things. If we cut down the forest we wont have the medicines that we have now. The U.S. doesn't have any rain forests of their own; we dont have the tropical medicine plants that they have. Many types of medicine would be lost and because of that, many lives would be taken. America should put a stop yo this disgraceful destruction.

  10. Yes, I do think that U.S. citizens have a responsibly to do something to protect the rainforests. One reason is what if a U.S. country is responsible for partly destroying part of the rainforest, are they still a U.S. citizen? Another reason is because since there is so many trees in rainforests and since they give of so much oxygen it helps makes the earth a better environment for world citizens. If we are destroying the trees in rainforests that does not make a good environment for the U.S. let alone the world. Yes, I do think that U.S. citizens have a responsibility to do something to help protect the rainforests.

  11. I think that it is a responsibility of the U.S citizens to take care of rainforests. Because rainforests used to cover 14% of the earth; now just a mere 6%, which means more than half the world’s species, plants, and animals would be destroyed. If rainforests were destroyed then many animals that live there would be to. With one and a half acres of rainforests being lost every second it is a very possible outcome to lose half the worlds species. We also loose about 137 plants every day because of destruction in rainforest, that’s 3,000 species a year. Even people are dying because there were estimated to be ten million Indians living in the rainforest now only 200,000. Last the Amazon rainforest has been considered the “lungs of the world” because the rainforest creates so much oxygen. It is the American peoples reponsibility to protect the worlds resources and animals, not only for species to live, but to also have a major oxygen producer protected.

    Christian Caraco

  12. The US has a responsibility to save the rainforest because we depend on it everyday. Many of the most valuable and beautiful woods in the world come from the rainforest. More than two-thirds of plant species on Earth are found in rainforests. 25% of all modern medicines are made from plants that come from the rainforest.
    In getting rid of rainforests, you could lose thousands of species of animals, and shatter the cultures of the 519,000 indigenous people in the Amazon and Brazil. Destroying the rainforests could contribute to global warming because of all the carbon dioxide the plants release into the air. As a country that wants to rid the world of pollution and climate change and a major world power, we must help stop the destruction of rainforests.

  13. Yes, I do think the US citizens have a responsibility to protect the rainforest. This is because more than half of the different species and plants are found somewhere in the rainforest. This means that if we keep destroying this terrain, we will be losing precious plants that can be used in different foods, or even in our medicine we use to protect ourselves from sickness and disease. This also means that we will be losing over 500,000 different species that live in the rainforest. If we destroy their habitat, we will be losing many different types of insects and animals that we may not even know about today, meaning the science of animals and insects will come to an end, as we will know all the insects and animals that are living today. If we continue to constantly destroy the rainforests’, the earth’s climate can be affected, and so can the water cycle. This could end in the possibility in not having very clean water, or having the climate be completely changed in some areas. We must not keep destroying this climate, as it can end in many misfortunes.

  14. Yes, they do because we could stop this by putting up a fight. We could take it to court and make it illegal to take down rain forests. Animals live in rain forests and by taking down their natural habitat, we are basically killing them, and if we work together we are stronger then the government. It is up to us to make a change.

  15. Evan great post. I like that fact about the cancer curing plants i never knew about them. :-)

  16. James Post. I really like how you explained your ideas and how you showed evidence with them. Nice job James.

  17. Christian W. Post I liked the way how you said what we would loose like water and the animals.

  18. Christian C- You have very good statistics.

  19. This comment is for EMMA. I think that the spelling is okay there is some errors but for the most part it is okay. In the beginning you say that we should not help the rainforest and at the end you said why we should help the rainforest.

  20. Nichole: that was a really good post because you supported your answer really well, and it wasn't week.

  21. Jessie Post. Jessie I think you really tried to show how the rainforest should be saved and how it is very important. You showed you point of view and I see where you are coming from. Nice Job Jessie!

  22. Nichole Liked the way you said that the US cant cant any of the plants in the US because we do not have any of the plants that give us the medicine

  23. Zach that was a great post. It was interesting how you connected it to global warming. And i like how you put in what would happen to the plant if we lost rainforsets. Nice Job :-)


  24. I really liked Christian C's blog post because you stated your opinion and backed it up with supporting details. You used information from other sources, and used them to prove your opinion.

  25. I really liked Sarah's blog post because it had really good detail and it flowed really nicely. There was a lot of supporting details that really made sense.

  26. I liked James's post. you really explained why the rainforest helps us. You had great examples, and you really showed that the rainforest has things that we need to protect ourselves (like medicine).

  27. Zack. I liked the way you supported your answer with some great evidence.
    Good Job!

  28. I really like Christian Caraco's Blog Post because it was very interesting and had all the details we should know about the rainforest and why we should stop destroying it. All in all it was a good blog post.It had everything we should know about the rainforest, and it made it more interesting.

  29. Evan Post. I liked the way that you talked about the medicine. I didn't know that there was so many plants in the rain forest that could help with cancer.
